Sep 6, 2023 | News
The District flushes water mains this fall as an important preventative maintenance activity. Flushing allows the District to remove sediment or other solids that might collect in the water mains. Flushing also helps maintain water quality and fire flows in the...
Jun 14, 2023 | News
We would like to bring to your attention an important issue regarding the recent cross-connection bills that were sent out, dated June 9, 2023. Due to a printing error, some invoices were missing details and charge breakdowns, although the total amounts on the bills...
Mar 8, 2023 | News
The Lynnfield Water District Board of Water Commissioners will vote on Monday, March 13, 2023, at 8:00 pm during its monthly board meeting to close the Warrant for the District’s Annual Meeting. Any articles to be placed upon on the Warrant for the April 12, 2023,...
Feb 8, 2023 | News
The Lynnfield Water District (“District”) is soliciting requests for proposals to connect the existing water services on Oak Street in Lynnfield from the existing 2-inch water main to the new 8-inch water main. The project will also include removing and replacing a...
Dec 30, 2022 | News
January 2023 water bills include charges for properties that typically receive separate backflow/fireline invoices. Here is some helpful information on how to read and understand the attached statement. #1.) Mailing Address: Please contact the District to update as...
Dec 2, 2022 | News
The Lynnfield Water District (“District”) is soliciting requests for proposals for lease of property on or adjacent to the District’s two water storage tanks for use by one or more cell vendors. The storage tanks are located at 325 Rear Broadway in Lynnfield. The...