Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (together abbreviated as PFAS) are a class of human-made chemicals that have been used in household products for decades. They are typically associated with the manufacturing of non-stick coatings, water and stain-proofing treatments, and certain fire-fighting foams.
The Lynnfield Water District obtains its water from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), which is supplied from the Quabbin reservoir (one of the largest unfiltered water supplies in the United States), along with the Wachusett Reservoir and the Ware River. These are well-protected watersheds and reservoirs with no identified potential sources of PFAS.
The most recent test results conducted by the MWRA indicated that the water easily met the new state drinking water regulations for PFAS. No more than trace amounts, too low to be quantified, were detected during testing. The sum of the six regulated PFAS compounds was zero.
MWRA also tests the water supply each year for over 120 contaminants to ensure the water supplied is of the highest quality. For more information about PFAS and all other drinking water tests, or if you have any questions about water quality, please contact the Water District at 781-598-4223, or visit MWRA at or