Hydrant flushing is an important preventative maintenance activity enabling the District to remove sediments or other solids that may collect in water mains. Flushing also helps to maintain water quality and fire flows in the distribution system.
Flushing will begin May 1, 2019 between the hours of 8AM and 3PM, Monday through Friday, with an anticipated completion date of June 30, 2019
• Should you experience rusty water, please run the cold water until clear. Discoloration may stain laundry, especially white materials.
• Residents are asked to check their water prior to doing laundry, and delay laundering until any discoloration clears up. Washing a dark load is recommended first after flushing is completed.
• If, after flushing, the water pressure or volume seems low, residents should clean faucet screens to remove any silt or sediment that may be obstructing water flow.
Please contact the District should you have any questions.