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The Lynnfield Water District (“District”) is soliciting requests for proposals to connect the existing water services on Oak Street in Lynnfield from the existing 2-inch water main to the new 8-inch water main. The project will also include removing and replacing a section of 6-inch water main on Moulton Drive.
The District shall receive written proposals for the Water Service Connections on Oak Street at the office of the Lynnfield Water District, 842 Salem Street, Lynnfield, MA 01940 until 10 A.M. prevailing time, March 10, 2023, at which time proposals will be opened and publicly read aloud. All proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to the Board of Water Commissioners at the above-referenced address, with a clear notation thereon: “Proposal for Water Service Connections on Oak Street.” A full copy of the Request for Proposals is available upon request by calling the District at 781-598-4223.