r  Martin Luther King Jr. Day Hours

LYNNFIELD, MA –Lynnfield Water District is pleased to receive a 2022 Public Water System Award from the Drinking Water Program of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (Mass DEP).  For a  third consecutive year, the District was recognized for Outstanding Performance and Achievement in Compliance, being among the top scores for public systems within the state. The District works daily to achieve and maintain this level of excellence in carrying out our mission of protecting and supplying safe, high-quality water to our customers.

Matthew O’Connell, Superintendent, accepted the award for the District at a Mass DEP awards ceremony at the Devens Common Center in Devens, MA on May 10, 2022 (see photo).


Pictured left to right: Martin Suuberg, Commissioner of the MassDEP; Matthew O’Connell, Superintendent of the Lynnfield Water District; Kristin Divris, Drinking Water Section Chief of the MassDEP.